Force Seizes Marijuana in Kandahar

WASHINGTON, June 28, 2011 — A com­bined Afghan and coali­tion secu­ri­ty force dis­cov­ered 992 pounds of mar­i­jua­na in the Pan­jwa’i dis­trict of Afghanistan’s Kan­da­har province today, mil­i­tary offi­cials reported.

The force also found rock­et-pro­pelled grenade pro­pel­lant and three chest rigs.

In oper­a­tions in Afghanistan yesterday: 

— A com­bined force cap­tured a senior leader of the Islam­ic Move­ment of Uzbek­istan and detained two oth­ers in Kun­duz province’s Kun­duz dis­trict. The leader tried to dis­guise him­self as a woman by wear­ing a burka. 

– Sev­er­al insur­gents were killed dur­ing a com­bined oper­a­tion that tar­get­ed a mid-lev­el Tal­iban leader in Nim­roz province’s Khash Rod dis­trict. Sev­er­al insur­gents tried to engage the secu­ri­ty force from ele­vat­ed posi­tions. An air weapons team killed three and two oth­ers were killed on the ground. The force con­fis­cat­ed and destroyed sev­er­al assault rifles. 

– A com­bined force detained sev­er­al peo­ple with sus­pect­ed Tal­iban ties in Zab­ul province’s Qalat dis­trict dur­ing a search for a Tal­iban orga­niz­er who obtains and moves weapons for insurgents. 

– In a sep­a­rate secu­ri­ty search in Kan­da­har province’s Zharay dis­trict, a com­bined force detained a sus­pect­ed insurgent. 

– A com­bined force found 705 pounds of wet opi­um in Hel­mand province’s Wash­er dis­trict, and detained sev­er­al people. 

– A com­bined force killed an insur­gent and detained anoth­er per­son in Ghazni province’s Deh Yak dis­trict while search­ing for a Tal­iban orga­niz­er who sup­ports road­side and sui­cide bomb oper­a­tions there. The force noticed the insur­gent, armed with an assault rifle, attempt­ing to flee. After an engage­ment ensued, the force killed the man. 

– A Haqqani ter­ror­ist net­work leader and two sus­pects were cap­tured by a com­bined force in Pak­ti­ka province’s Mata Khan dis­trict. The leader was respon­si­ble for road­side bomb and ambush attacks tar­get­ing Afghan secu­ri­ty forces. 

Com­piled from Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force Joint Com­mand News Releases 

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