Face of Defense: Airmen Help Turkish Earthquake Relief

ERZURUM AIRPORT, Turkey, Nov. 16, 2011 — U.S. Air Forces in Europe sent a C‑130J Super Her­cules trans­ports loaded with relief sup­plies to south­east­ern Turkey on Nov. 13 to aid vic­tims of recent earth­quakes there.

Mem­bers of the 37th Air­lift Squadron, Nor­we­gian Defense Logis­tics Orga­ni­za­tion, Nor­we­gian Marine Expe­di­tionary Brigade and Marine Forces Europe load a C‑130J Super Her­cules air­craft with pal­lets of human­i­tar­i­an sup­plies for trans­porta­tion at Stjordal, Nor­way, Nov. 14, 2011. The mis­sion is in sup­port of the Turkey-led relief efforts fol­low­ing the Oct. 23 and Nov. 9 earth­quakes in Van province, Turkey.
U.S. Air Force pho­to by Mas­ter Sgt. Wayne Clark
Click to enlarge

The Van region of Turkey is cop­ing with the after­ef­fects of a mag­ni­tude 7.2 quake that occurred Oct. 23 and a mag­ni­tude 5.7 tem­blor that occurred Nov. 9. “First and fore­most, our con­do­lences go out to the peo­ple of Turkey affect­ed by these nat­ur­al dis­as­ters,” said Air Force Capt. Bryan Swieren­ga, an air­craft com­man­der with the 37th Air­lift Squadron, part of the 86th Air­lift Wing, based at Ram­stein Air Base, Ger­many. “Turkey is a resilient coun­try, and the gov­ern­ment will put these human­i­tar­i­an sup­plies to good use.” 

As the air com­po­nent for U.S. Euro­pean Com­mand, USAFE, which is also has its head­quar­ters at Ram­stein, deliv­ered more than 28,000 pounds of sup­plies to the region, includ­ing 115 arc­tic tents, heaters and emp­ty fuel canisters. 

The Nor­we­gian Defense Logis­tics Orga­ni­za­tion and Nor­we­gian Marine Expe­di­tionary Brigade in Stjordal, Nor­way, pro­vid­ed the relief supplies. 

“It is always a great feel­ing to help out one of our allies,” said Air Force Capt. Austin Rust, a pilot with the 37th AS. “It has been a coop­er­a­tive effort from the start, with the State Depart­ment and Eucom tak­ing charge by deliv­er­ing these cold-weath­er sup­plies to the gov­ern­ment of Turkey as they lead the relief efforts after two major earthquakes.” 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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