EU 3106th Council meeting on Lebanon

3106th Coun­cil meet­ing, For­eign Affairs
Brus­sels, 18 July 2011
1. “The EU wel­comes the for­ma­tion of a new gov­ern­ment in Lebanon. It expects that the new gov­ern­ment will ensure pro­mo­tion of sta­bil­i­ty, uni­ty, sov­er­eign­ty and inde­pen­dence of Lebanon in full respect of the con­sti­tu­tion and the rule of law. The EU trusts that the Lebanese gov­ern­ment will give pri­or­i­ty to strength­en­ing the state’s author­i­ty. It encour­ages the new gov­ern­ment to imple­ment an ambi­tious agen­da of much need­ed eco­nom­ic, social and polit­i­cal reforms.

2. The Coun­cil expects that the new Lebanese gov­ern­ment will be com­mit­ted to the full imple­men­ta­tion of all rel­e­vant UNSC Res­o­lu­tions, includ­ing 1559, 1680, 1701 and 1757.

3. Con­cerned by the absence of an explic­it com­mit­ment to coop­er­ate with the Spe­cial Tri­bunal for Lebanon in the Min­is­te­r­i­al Dec­la­ra­tion, the Coun­cil calls upon the new gov­ern­ment to respect and ful­fil all its inter­na­tion­al oblig­a­tions and com­mit­ments stem­ming from UNSCR 1757. It reit­er­ates EU’s full sup­port to the Spe­cial Tri­bunal, an inde­pen­dent court, estab­lished by the UNSC Res­o­lu­tion 1757 and fol­low­ing the high­est judi­cial stan­dards. The Coun­cil expects all par­ties to ful­ly coop­er­ate with the Tri­bunal. It fur­ther calls on all Lebanese actors to act con­struc­tive­ly and con­tin­ue to show restraint. 

4. Bear­ing this in mind, the EU attach­es great impor­tance to the part­ner­ship between the Euro­pean Union and Lebanon. As Lebanon achieves sus­tain­able progress towards reforms, in par­tic­u­lar in strength­en­ing democ­ra­cy, rule of law, inclu­sive eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment and reduc­ing social inequal­i­ties, the EU is pre­pared to match this with increased sup­port, as fore­seen in the frame­work of the new Euro­pean Neigh­bour­hood Policy.” 

Coun­cil of the Euro­pean Union 

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