DOD Announces Recruiting and Retention Numbers for Fiscal 2012, Through March

The Depart­ment of Defense announced today recruit­ing and reten­tion sta­tis­tics for the active and reserve com­po­nents for fis­cal 2012, through March.

Active Com­po­nent.

Recruit­ing. All four active ser­vices met or exceed­ed their numer­i­cal acces­sion goals for fis­cal 2012, through March. 

  • Army — 27,701 acces­sions, with a goal of 27,550; 101 percent 
  • Navy — 15,151 acces­sions, with a goal of 15,151; 100 percent 
  • Marine Corps — 10,625 acces­sions, with a goal of 10,591; 100 percent 
  • Air Force — 14,353 acces­sions, with a goal of 14,353; 100 percent 

Reten­tion. The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force all exhib­it­ed strong reten­tion through the sixth month of fis­cal 2012. 

Reserve Com­po­nent.

Recruit­ing. Five of the six reserve com­po­nents met or exceed­ed their numer­i­cal acces­sion goals for fis­cal 2012, through March. 

  • Army Nation­al Guard — 24,706 acces­sions, with a goal of 25,991; 95 percent 
  • Army Reserve — 14,095 acces­sions, with a goal of 12,852; 110 percent 
  • Navy Reserve — 3,756 acces­sions, with a goal of 3,756; 100 percent 
  • Marine Corps Reserve — 4,485 acces­sions, with a goal of 4,216; 106 percent 
  • Air Nation­al Guard — 4206 acces­sions, with a goal of 4,192; 100 percent 
  • Air Force Reserve — 4,255 acces­sions, with a goal of 4,255; 100 percent 

Attri­tion - All reserve com­po­nents are on tar­get to achieve their fis­cal year attri­tion goals. 

Detailed infor­ma­tion on spe­cif­ic recruit­ing data can be obtained by con­tact­ing the indi­vid­ual mil­i­tary recruit­ing com­mands at 502–626-0164 for Army, 210–565-4678 for Air Force, 703–784-9454 for Marine Corps, and 901–874-9048 for Navy. The reserve com­po­nents can be reached at the fol­low­ing num­bers: Nation­al Guard Bureau 703–607-2586; Army Reserve 910–570-8330; Air Force Reserve 703–697-1761; Navy Reserve 757–322-5652; and Marine Corps Reserve 504–678-6535.

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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