Chairman’s Corner: Marine Corps Birthday, Nov. 10

WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2010 — For 235 years, Unit­ed States Marines have earned a priv­i­leged place in our hearts. For we know that when there is a tough job to do, we can “send in the Marines,” know­ing that they will get the job done.

From Iwo Jima to Inchon, from Khe Sanh to Kan­da­har, Marines have always been ready to respond when­ev­er and wher­ev­er the Nation calls, pre­pared to meet any chal­lenge or foe, from sea to shore and beyond. 

As long as the world is an unsta­ble place, Marines will con­tin­ue to fight and pre­vail with the high stan­dards befit­ting their title — and with the spir­it of the Corps that is in the DNA of every war­rior priv­i­leged to wear the eagle, globe, and anchor. 

To every Marine I say thank you. Thank you for your will­ing­ness to make the most pro­found com­mit­ment some­one can make — to ded­i­cate your­self com­plete­ly to your ser­vice and your coun­try. I also want to extend a spe­cial thanks to your fam­i­lies as well. The Marine Corps sim­ply could­n’t be what it is with­out the extra­or­di­nary love and sup­port of our Marine Corps families. 

This week, in gath­er­ings large and small, you will come togeth­er to hon­or the rich her­itage of the Corps and the proud lega­cy of the Marines who have gone before you. On this occa­sion, a grate­ful Nation com­mends your ser­vice and joins you in celebration. 

On behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hap­py Birth­day and Sem­per Fidelis! 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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