BAE Systems to Modernize Destroyers Under U.S. Navy Ship Repair Contract

NORFOLK, Vir­ginia — BAE Sys­tems, Inc., a lead­ing U.S. non-nuclear ship repair, mod­ern­iza­tion, and con­ver­sion com­pa­ny, will mod­ern­ize 11 Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) class guid­ed mis­sile destroy­ers under a con­tract with the U.S. Navy with a poten­tial val­ue of $365 mil­lion. This work, along with the recent acqui­si­tion of Atlantic Marine, reflects BAE Sys­tems’ efforts to sup­port new-era require­ments of cus­tomers for the readi­ness and sus­tain­ment of equip­ment and systems. 

The com­pa­ny received the mul­ti-ship, mul­ti-option dry­dock con­tract to ser­vice ships home-port­ed or vis­it­ing the Nor­folk area. 

The com­pa­ny will start exe­cut­ing the con­tract in August when it begins plan­ning, mod­ern­iza­tion, main­te­nance, and repair work on the flag­ship of the class, the USS Arleigh Burke. The con­tract con­sists of an ini­tial one-year award plus four option years. 

“This con­tract, cou­pled with those for CG 47-class and amphibi­ous ships in Nor­folk, San Diego, and Hawaii, rein­forces BAE Sys­tems’ robust, trust­ed part­ner­ship with the Navy,” said Bill Clif­ford, pres­i­dent of BAE Sys­tems’ Ship Repair busi­ness. “We already will be well into the DDG mod­ern­iza­tion process on the USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53) in San Diego when the USS Arleigh Burke comes into Nor­folk for the same work. This will allow us to lever­age our expe­ri­ence in San Diego to pro­vide an enhanced final prod­uct to the Navy,” Clif­ford said. 

Hav­ing exe­cut­ed 21 Chief of Naval Oper­a­tions avail­abil­i­ties on DDG 51-class ships since 2006, BAE Sys­tems Nor­folk Ship Repair has more than 1.5 mil­lion man-hours of expe­ri­ence in DDG main­te­nance and repair. The com­pa­ny has also made sig­nif­i­cant invest­ments in facil­i­ties and process improvements. 

BAE Sys­tems Ship Repair is a lead­ing non-nuclear ship repair, mod­ern­iza­tion, and con­ver­sion com­pa­ny, focus­ing on dry­dock and ship repair ser­vices for the U.S. Navy, oth­er defense agen­cies, and com­mer­cial cus­tomers. It has major oper­a­tions in Nor­folk, San Diego, San Fran­cis­co, and Hawaii, and it recent­ly added oper­a­tions in May­port and Jack­sonville, Flori­da; Moss Point, Mis­sis­sip­pi; and Mobile, Alaba­ma through the acqui­si­tion of Atlantic Marine. 

About BAE Sys­tems

BAE Sys­tems is a glob­al defense, secu­ri­ty and aero­space com­pa­ny with approx­i­mate­ly 107,000 employ­ees world­wide. The Com­pa­ny deliv­ers a full range of prod­ucts and ser­vices for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced elec­tron­ics, secu­ri­ty, infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy solu­tions and cus­tomer sup­port ser­vices. In 2009 BAE Sys­tems report­ed sales of £22.4 bil­lion (US $36.2 billion). 

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion, please contact 

Joe Chopek, BAE Sys­tems
Tel: +1 757 494 2951 Mobile: +1 757 633 8023

Neil Franz, BAE Sys­tems
Tel: +1 301 838‑6112 Mobile: +1 240 687‑0127

Face­book and/or on Twit­ter

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