Australia — Major Defence company joins Global Supply Chain program

Min­is­ter for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today signed a Glob­al Sup­ply Chain Deed with BAE Sys­tems plc.

The Deed was signed on behalf of BAE Sys­tems plc by the new CEO of BAE Sys­tems Aus­tralia, David Allott, at Par­lia­ment House in Can­ber­ra today. 

The Deed is the first step in help­ing more Aus­tralian com­pa­nies access BAE’s glob­al sup­ply chain. 

BAE Sys­tems plc oper­ates around the world with a sig­nif­i­cant pres­ence in places like the Unit­ed King­dom and Unit­ed States. 

Sev­en mul­ti-nation­al Defence com­pa­nies have now signed Glob­al Sup­ply Chain deeds with the Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment – Boe­ing, Raytheon, Thales, Euro­copter, Lock­heed Mar­tin, Northrop Grum­man and BAE Systems. 

The next step is to sign Annex­es to these agree­ments which give com­pa­nies access to Gov­ern­ment fund­ing to hire a team of peo­ple to iden­ti­fy and cer­ti­fy Aus­tralian com­pa­nies as part of their glob­al sup­ply chains. 

Boe­ing, Raytheon and Thales cur­rent­ly have these annex­es in place. 

The Gov­ern­ment has invest­ed over $11 mil­lion in the pro­gram over the past three years. 

“When the pro­gram was estab­lished every­one agreed that if it could pro­vide a 10-fold return on the Government’s invest­ment it would be a roar­ing suc­cess,” Mr Clare said. 

“To date it has deliv­ered more than a 30-fold return on invest­ment with more than $356 mil­lion in con­tracts award­ed to Aus­tralian industry. 

“Aus­tralian SMEs have been the big win­ners, win­ning about 90 per cent of the val­ue of these contracts.” 

Media con­tact: Kore­na Flana­gan – 02 6277 7620 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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