Afghanistan — Insurgent Bombs Kill 6 Afghan Civilians, Wound 3

WASHINGTON, July 29, 2010 — Insur­gents killed six Afghan civil­ians and wound­ed three more in road­side bomb attacks in south­ern Afghanistan yes­ter­day, mil­i­tary offi­cials report­ed.

Four civil­ians were killed and three oth­ers were wound­ed when a bomb det­o­nat­ed in Zab­ul province’s Mizan dis­trict. The wound­ed were air­lift­ed to a mil­i­tary med­ical facil­i­ty in Qalat. 

In Nim­roz province’s Khash Rod dis­trict, two Afghan civil­ians were killed when their vehi­cle struck a road­side bomb. Ear­li­er yes­ter­day, numer­ous civil­ians report­ed­ly were killed when their bus struck a road­side bomb in the Khash Rod dis­trict, offi­cials said. 

Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force Joint Com­mand offi­cials said the Unit­ed Nations recent­ly report­ed that road­side bomb inci­dents increased by 94 per­cent in the first four months of 2010 com­pared to the same peri­od last year. 

In oth­er news from Afghanistan, two civil­ians were killed yes­ter­day when they were caught in cross­fire between insur­gents and coali­tion forces. 

Coali­tion forces oper­at­ing just out­side Lashkar Gah in south­ern Afghanistan came under small-arms attack. ISAF forces gained pos­i­tive iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the ene­my and returned the small-arms fire, offi­cials said. Upon assess­ment of the site after the attack, ISAF forces found that a civil­ian man was killed in the crossfire. 

Also in south­ern Afghanistan yes­ter­day, anoth­er patrol of Afghan and coali­tion forces came under insur­gent small-arms attack and returned fire with small arms and mor­tar rounds after iden­ti­fy­ing the attack’s point of origin. 

After sev­er­al fire fights from dif­fer­ent loca­tions, offi­cials said, coali­tion forces received a report that a civil­ian girl had been killed in the fight. The ISAF forces were able to locate the com­pound and con­firmed the death from appar­ent mor­tar shrap­nel wounds. 

ISAF offi­cials expressed regret and stressed that they will con­tin­ue to take all pre­cau­tions they can to avoid civil­ian casualties. 

Mean­while, an ISAF task force found no basis for alle­ga­tions in the media of Quran des­e­cra­tion in Uruz­gan province’s Tarin Kot dis­trict. The task force exam­ined all patrol activ­i­ties for the past three days to deter­mine whether there could have been any sit­u­a­tions when an ISAF ser­vice­mem­ber came across a Quran, offi­cials said. No such sit­u­a­tions were found. 

The alle­ga­tions claimed that the Quran was stabbed with a bay­o­net, but sol­diers per­form­ing patrols in that area do not car­ry bay­o­nets, the task force noted. 

ISAF under­stands the sig­nif­i­cance and impor­tance of the Quran to the Mus­lim reli­gion and the peo­ple of Afghanistan, and takes alle­ga­tions of the des­e­cra­tion and dis­re­spect of the Quran or any oth­er reli­gious or cul­tur­al items very seri­ous­ly,” ISAF offi­cials said in a writ­ten state­ment report­ing the task force’s findings. 

Com­piled from Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force Joint Com­mand News Releases 

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