China — PLA Special Operations Forces (english version)



  • Firearms – The small arms used by PLA SOF include stan­dard issue weapons such as QBZ95 auto­mat­ic weapons, QBU88 sniper rifle, QSZ92 pis­tol, and PF89 80mm indi­vid­ual rock­et launch­er. They also has spe­cialised weapons includ­ing Type 64 silenced pis­tol, Type 85 silenced sub­ma­chine gun, and explo­sives. Crew-served weapons include QYJ88 gen­er­al machine gun, QLZ87 35mm auto­mat­ic grenade launch­er, W99 82mm auto­mat­ic mor­tar, PF98 120mm rock­et launcher.

  • FHJ84 Rock­et Launch­erPLA SOF has been spot­ted using the FHJ84 twin-62mm rock­et launch­er in the exer­cise. The rock­et launch­er was designed to launch rock­et-pro­pelled incen­di­ary and smoke grenades. A high-explo­sive (HE) air burst steel balls round was also intro­duced for SOF.

  • Satel­lite Posi­tion­ing ReceiversPLA SOF are cur­rent­ly equipped with PDA sized device that can receive both the U.S. GPS and Russ­ian GLONASS sig­nals. This could pro­vide 10~50m class accu­ra­cy posi­tion­ing data. Chi­na is also devel­op­ing its own COMPASS satel­lite posi­tion­ing sys­tem, which could pro­vide mil­i­tary class posi­tion­ing data in East Asia region as ear­ly as 2010.

  • Unmanned Aer­i­al Vehi­cle (UAV)PLA SOF is equipped with a vari­ety of UAV for recon­nais­sance and sur­veil­lance roles. These UAV can be launched by hand­held or from a small vehi­cle-mount­ed launcher.

  • All-Ter­rain Vehi­cles (ATV)PLA SOF has been wide­ly using ATV for trav­el­ling in the bat­tle­field. These vehi­cles can be car­ried by heli­copters for air­borne operations.

  • Light Util­i­ty Vehi­clesPLA SOF has been using light util­i­ty vehi­cles such as BJ2020SJ and EQ2050 for travelling.

  • Fast Attack Vehi­cles (FAV) – The FAV orig­i­nal­ly devel­oped for the air­borne forces is also equipped by PLA SOF.

  • Pow­ered Para­chute (PPC)PLA SOF has been invest­ing heav­i­ly in the use of PPC for air infil­tra­tion and assault. The small size of the PPC means that it is very dif­fi­cult to be detect­ed by con­ven­tion­al radar and oth­er sur­veil­lance equipment.

  • High-Speed Boat – These are used for oper­a­tions in water regions and sea infil­tra­tion operations.

  • Sur­veil­lance Equip­ment — Night-vision gog­gles (NVGs), low-light TV (LLTV), hand­held laser rangefinders.

  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tionsPLA SOF are equipped with man­pack tac­ti­cal radio and video-voice-data com­mu­ni­ca­tion equipment.

  • Digi­tised Army — The SOF unit in the Cheng­du MR has been exper­i­ment­ing with the use of digi­tised army sys­tems sim­i­lar to those in the U.S. Land War­rior project


Sinodefence - 'Digitised Army': Soldiers of the SOF unit in the Chengdu Military Region equipped with digitised army soldier system (Source: PLA Daily)
Digi­tised Army’: Sol­diers of the SOF unit in the
Cheng­du Mil­i­tary Region equipped with digi­tised army sol­dier sys­tem
(Source: PLA Daily)

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