30.04.2009: Irak
Viele Tote bei Anschlägen in Bagdad spiegel.de
GlobalDefence.net -Streitkräfte der Welt
Sicherheitspolitik weltweit
Viele Tote bei Anschlägen in Bagdad spiegel.de
Police confirm 3 killed, 155 wounded in Tanzanian military depot blast xinhuanet.com
Despite challenges, UNICEF continues to push for release of child soldiers reliefweb.int
Peres, Netanyahu praise IDF soldiers jpost.com
Women and children at risk from army attacks adnkronos.com
Indonesian army officers sacked over mutiny radioaustralianews.net.au
UK, Australia promise more troops, Taliban threaten new offensive military-world.net
US military claims killing of 42 Taliban in Afghanistan military-world.net
Army intelligence officer threw laptops in Enlgish Channel telegraph.co.uk
Indian air force plane crashes, pilot killed xinhuanet.com
Helicopters drop troops in Dagar godubai.com
Madagascar troops arrest PM named by ex-leader reuters.com
Albanien will der Europäischen Union beitreten spiegel.de
Nine soldiers killed in PKK mine blast todayszaman.com
Indian troops lock down Kashmir ahead of vote yahoo.com
Russia-NATO Council to hold official meeting in Brussels itar-tass.com
Russian navy seizes 29 pirates off Somalia reuters.com
Lankan Navy foils Sea Tiger attack; kills 25 rebels deccanherald.com
Schwarzenegger urges tuition help for California National Guard troops latimes.com
UK army bases raided in probe pressandjournal.co.uk