03.11.2008: Libanon/Syrien
Thousands more Syrian troops deployed on Lebanon border jpost.com
GlobalDefence.net -Streitkräfte der Welt
Sicherheitspolitik weltweit
Thousands more Syrian troops deployed on Lebanon border jpost.com
www.defensenewstv.com Russian Navy to Hold War Games in Indian Ocean defensenews.com
French, Spanish Ministers Launch Anti-Piracy Plan defensenews.com
US Navy Intercepts Missile Shot from Hawaii newsmax.com
Civil war possible in Pak if U.S. attack continues: Nawaz Sharif pakistanlink.com
US urged to take military action in Congo theeastafrican.co.ke
Congo conflict: Britain considers military role telegraph.co.uk
Minister accused of ‘insulting the memory of soldiers over SAS chief slur’ telegraph.co.uk
Improved tribal relations could aid NATO in Afghanistan channelnewsasia.com
Kremlin hosts Armenia-Azerbaijan peace talks focus-fen.net
Vor gut einem Jahr hat die indische Marine das ehemalige Docklandungsschiff (LPD) TRENTON von der US-Navy übernommen und als JALASHWA in Dienst gestellt.