U.S. Navy Joins India’s Light Combat Aircraft Project

The U.S. Navy has agreed to come on board India’s much delayed Naval Light Com­bat Air­craft (LCA) pro­gram and will audit tests and pro­vide feed­backs to the Indi­an team.

Naval Light Com­bat Air­craft (LCA) program
Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about the Indi­an and US Defense Sector 

The U.S. will join the Rus­sians and the Euro­peans who were ear­li­er roped in to real­ize the LCA project which has been delayed by over 15 years. 

The U.S Navy Car­ri­er Suit­abil­i­ty Test Team is the lat­est of three for­eign con­sul­tants to join team LCA. Among the many prob­lems the LCA pro­gram is faced with, one is the weight of the pro­to­type which is heav­ier by 500 kgs over the require­ment of a car­ri­er-based fight­er. The Test Team is expect­ed to tack­le this issue. 

Accord­ing to Indi­an media reports, the U.S Test Team will not be paid for its services. 

In 2011, the Euro­pean Aero­nau­tic Defence and Space Group (EADS) was intro­duced to the pro­gram in order to help devel­op­ers reduce the weight of the fighter. 

Mean­while, the Gro­mov Insti­tute in Rus­sia is cur­rent­ly test­ing the Kaveri engine on an Ilyushin-76 engine test bed air­craft and has com­plet­ed 55 hours of test­ing at the Institute. 

The Naval LCA-NP1, also known as Tejas, made its maid­en flight a week ago at Hin­dus­tan Aero­nau­tics Lim­it­ed (HAL) in Bangalore. 


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