Sikorsky Aerospace Services Announces the Signing of a Basic Ordering Agreement with the Brunei Ministry of Defence

Feb­ru­ary 15, 2012
SINGAPORE AIR SHOW, Sin­ga­pore — Siko­rsky Aero­space Ser­vices today announced the sign­ing of a Basic Order­ing Agree­ment (BOA) with the Brunei Min­istry of Defence as part of Sikorsky’s recent over­ar­ch­ing sales con­tract to pro­vide 12 S‑70i™ BLACK HAWK heli­copters to the Roy­al Brunei Air Force (RBAF).

This five-year agree­ment will sup­port the S‑70i air­craft sched­uled for deliv­ery in 2013, and the RBAF’s cur­rent BLACK HAWK fleet. Siko­rsky Aero­space Ser­vices (SAS) is the after­mar­ket divi­sion of Siko­rsky Air­craft Corp., a sub­sidiary of Unit­ed Tech­nolo­gies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).

“We have a long his­to­ry of after­mar­ket sup­port to the Roy­al Brunei Air Force. This sup­port con­tract gives the RBAF the flex­i­bil­i­ty to stream­line pro­cure­ment of parts and ser­vices for opti­mum fleet main­te­nance We look for­ward to evolv­ing our rela­tion­ship as their BLACK HAWK fleet con­tin­ues to grow,” said David Adler, Pres­i­dent of Siko­rsky Aero­space Ser­vices. “SAS con­tin­u­ous­ly strives to pro­vide ‘best-in-class’ sup­port to our world­wide cus­tomers.”
Siko­rsky Aero­space Ser­vices, a Siko­rsky com­pa­ny, pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive sup­port to rotary and fixed wing oper­a­tors around the world. It offers its mil­i­tary and com­mer­cial cus­tomers a full port­fo­lio of sup­port ser­vices, includ­ing mate­r­i­al dis­tri­b­u­tion, main­te­nance, over­haul & repair, air­craft mod­i­fi­ca­tions and life-cycle sup­port. Siko­rsky Air­craft Corp., based in Strat­ford, Conn., USA, is a world leader in heli­copter design, man­u­fac­ture and ser­vice. Unit­ed Tech­nolo­gies Corp., based in Hart­ford, Conn., USA, pro­vides a broad range of high tech­nol­o­gy prod­ucts and sup­port ser­vices to the aero­space and build­ing sys­tems industries.

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