Korea — Air Defence Artillery Command conducts Hawk missile deployment exercise to build a new stronghold

The ele­men­tary-lev­el trainees of the Air Defense Artillery School car­ried out a medi­um-range sur­face-to-air guid­ed weapon Hawk mis­sile deploy­ment exer­cise on Mar. 20 to 21 to fur­ther strength­en the wartime mis­sions capa­bil­i­ties.

The 30th Air Defense Artillery School’s trainees of ele­men­tary lev­el load and unload on Mar. 20 to 21 the mis­siles to build a new strong­hold dur­ing a Hawk mis­sile deploy­ment exer­cise. Pro­vid­ed by the unit
Source: MND, Repub­lic of Korea

This exer­cise con­duct­ed by more than 140 strength from a fire con­trol com­pa­ny and oth­er units began with load­ing trucks with as much equip­ment as 20 one-ton trucks in a six­ty-minute lim­it. Arriv­ing at the train­ing ground, they assem­bled a guid­ed mis­sile and issued stored mate­ri­als to refine the basics nec­es­sary to deploy a Hawk mis­sile strong­hold. They also under­went a sur­veil­lance and recon­nais­sance drill to deploy to a new stronghold. 

After deploy­ing to a new posi­tion, the trainees con­duct­ed an air defense exer­cise, by coun­ter­ing an assumed ene­my air­craft mov­ing toward friend­ly posi­tions, and a base defense drill to be able to estab­lish oper­a­tional readi­ness and receive actu­al fight training. 

“We had our recruits receive a real­is­tic train­ing to imple­ment max­i­mum fight­ing pow­er,” said Col. Hwang In-woo, super­in­ten­dent of the Air Defense Artillery School. “We will do our best to fos­ter our recruits as elite air defense artillery com­bat­ant sol­diers so that they can counter deci­sive­ly and pow­er­ful­ly any ene­my provocations.” 

Min­istry of Nation­al Defense[MND], Repub­lic of Korea 

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